Problem Description

Sample Assertion:

Issued out of BadgeClass:

Issued by Issuer Profile eosc-synergy-test:

Verifying through Badgr:


Validating through


The OpenBadges specification definition of Assertion:

The IdentityObject has the following fields:

Property Expected Type Description
identity identityHash or Text Either the hash of the identity or the plaintext value. If it’s possible that the plaintext transmission and storage of the identity value would leak personally identifiable information where there is an expectation of privacy, it is strongly recommended that an IdentityHash be used.
type property IRI The property by which the recipient of a badge is identified. This value should be an IRI mapped in the present context. For example, email maps to and indicates that the identity of the IdentityObject will represent a value of a Profile’s email property. See Profile Identifier Properties.
hashed Boolean Whether or not the identity value is hashed.
salt Text If the recipient is hashed, this should contain the string used to salt the hash. If this value is not provided, it should be assumed that the hash was not salted

The valid Profile Identifier Properties according to the OpenBadges specification are: